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Meditating in Nature
Mindfulness & Resiliency Training: a women's support group

Through meditation, journaling and sharing, this group offers a safe, non-judgmental space for women seeking support around addiction and other negative coping techniques. These behaviors can take many forms- most of us learned them to deal with stress and adversity.  


Resiliency is our ability to cope with stress and adversity. Drawing from the wisdom of eastern philosophies and the insights of neuroscience, Mindfulness and Resiliency promotes healthy coping and psychological wellness. Participants learn to work with the emotional reactivity that often leads to poor choices. Instead of falling into these conditioned and habitual behaviors, participants learn to use the power of self-awareness to effectively respond to life’s challenges.


No experience with meditation is necessary. Appropriate for women struggling with substance abuse, unhealthy diet and exercise, and other self-sabotaging behaviors. Please bring pen or pencil and a notebook to journal in. 


Tuesdays 9-10:15am; virtual meeting via Zoom.


Drop in fee: $25; free to all active and retired service members. 



Coming Soon!

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about upcoming groups, email me.

Individual Counseling

Recovery is becoming a person increasingly capable of functioning in a healthy relationship; both to one's own-self and others. In individual treatment for recovery, harm reduction or relapse prevention, I act as both therapist and coach. We continue to work on the skills of emotional intelligence - increasing self-awareness, self-discipline, empathy and interpersonal skills.

Meditating on Bed

Addiction is often rooted in adverse childhood experiences (such as abuse, neglect, family history of mental illness or addiction, etc). Clients will explore trauma responses that contribute to their addictive cycles and construct a cohesive narrative that gives meaning to their earlier developmental experiences. 


Clients are encourage to regularly do therapeutic journaling, mindfulness meditation, movement and creative expression in between sessions.

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